
dimland radio 8-23-14 show notes

Ice And Buckets And Challenges
I would have to guess it is safe to say the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is one of the most successful viral campaigns since the swine flu. It seems as though everyone is jumping on the bandwagon.
The campaign has been wildly successful in raising awareness and, especially, money. Lots and lots more money than the ALS Association normally takes in through charity.
I talked about Lou Gehrig being the one person to first make the public at large aware of this awful disease. After all, that's why it's called Lou Gehrig's disease. I should note I got the number of consecutive starts Gehrig made during his legendary streak. I was off by one game. It was 2130, not 2131.
I sneaked in a little political talk by mentioning that Pres. George W bush, who has taken the challenge, got more hateful venom thrown it him by comparing his taking the challenge to waterboarding. My, but some people on the Left really love having someone to hate so much, aren't they?
It's Not True: Teen Dies In Ice Bucket Stunt
An article from Huzlers.com was that shared on Facebook alleges that a teenage boy was killed instantly when an ice bucket challenge went wrong. The video in the article is real, but the story is fake. The kid didn't die.
Huzlers.com is a internet tabloid site preying on the gullibility of internet surfers. I dissected the piece to demonstrate how to determine the validity of such articles.
This fake news item was number three in the Washington Posts' weekly roundup of fake news on the internet.
Haters Gonna Be Talked To As If They Are Five Year-olds
I took a slight detour from the ice bucket talk to bring your attention just how much I hate the phrases: "Haters gonna hate" or "My bad."

What are we back in kindergarten?!
And when did disagreeing with someone come to mean that you hate that someone? It is quite possible to hold a different opinion from another person and not have it mean that you hate that person.
I also talked about how orgasmic Pres. Obama makes so many of my Facebook friends. But, if I say more, I'll be accused of being a hater.

Everyone Seems To Be Dumping Ice Water Over Their Heads..
Including...Me! Yep, Glen Ferguson, fellow ZTalker and host of a show called Canadian X Talk Radio, which is on the same station my show Dimland Radio, called me out to take the challenge. I did, but I did it my way.
This Whole Israel/Gaza/Hamas Thing Is Messed Up
Then, I talked about something I have so mush experience in dealing with (actually I'm lying here): Foreign Policy!

I waded out into the Israel/Gaza/Hamas quagmire. I tend to side with Israel, or, at least, I somewhat understand the position Hamas has put them in: Israel defends itself and kills innocent civilians that Hamas uses as human shields and the world condemns Israel?
There are others who have a take on this. Pat Condell, who is very outspoken and not sympathetic to the Islamic world, has several videos on Hamas and Israel (here, here, and here). Sam Harris, noted atheist, has written a piece more critical of Hamas (here). And President Bill Clinton believes Hamas is employing a "crass strategy" to sully Israel's image to the rest of the world (here).
Movie Recommendation: None
You're on your own this week.
Music heard on the show...

Dimland Radio opening theme song: 'Ram' by The Yoleus
First ad break bumpers: 'Like It Or Not' by Genesis & 'Lilydale' by 10,000 Maniacs
Second ad break bumpers: 'Lyin' Ass Bitch' by Fishbone & 'Ladybird' by XTC
Closing song: 'Angler's Treble Hook' by $5 Fiddle

That's it! See you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on www.ztalkradio.com you can also download my show from the z talk show archives page. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com

You can also go to my CafePress store and buy stuff with my artwork on it and have me do a portrait for you if you like. Find out more here and here.


dimland radio 8-16-14 show notes

More On The McCartney Show
There was one story I didn't get a chance to relate on last week's show about the Paul McCartney concert. The following morning my dad called to hear how the show went and to tell me that my mom had spotted Amy, Hayden, and I in a picture of the concert going crowd that was in the Sunday paper.
Well, it wasn't us. Sort of looked like use, except the dude's hair was longer, his bread was thicker, he wasn't wearing glasses, and he was wearing a light colored polo shirt. But other than that he looked just like me.
I also talked about my wearing all black and not wearing shirts with logos. And how a teenage girl got hot by just looking at me. No, not that kind of hot.
Robin Williams
I talked about learning of Robin Williams' death by suicide. I talked about depression and how I'm thankful I don't know how Mr. Williams felt. Not to be crass and unfeeling, but to underline that depression is a terrible disease and that those of us who don't suffer from severe depression just can't know what it feels like when death seems to be the best option.
And I talked about some of his films. In particular, I talked about the much maligned 'Popeye' by Robert Altman. I like 'Popeye'! I liked it when I saw it and I still like it. I think Altman captured the essence of the early Max Fleischer cartoons.

I suggested that those of my listener who haven't seen 'Popeye', that they watch a few of those old cartoons to get an idea of what to expect.
Here are a few examples:

Of Course, There's Always The One...
Atheist, skeptic, and professional outrage merchant, PZ Myers felt it necessary to use Williams' death as an opportunity to rip politicians and the news media. He and Rush Limbaugh must be getting used to the taste of their own feet.
Other atheists and skeptics have addressed PZ's latest outrage...

People Driving Stupidly
The other day, all within a span of five minutes, I had three separate drivers do something stupid while driving near me. No, I didn't cause them to drive stupidly.

A few weeks ago, two drivers took advantage of myself and another driver's politeness. What is with people?
Trifexis, A Dog Killer?
Well, some pet owners seem to think so. They offer no empirical evidence other than post hoc reasoning. No, connection has been established between Trifexis and dog deaths, but that doesn't mean these owners will stop blaming it. It also doesn't mean Trifexis is off the hook. The FDA continues to investigate.
I cautioned against just relying on what pet owners have said in this case. The news media must be careful about over emphasizing the anecdotes of bereaved pet owners.
Movie Recommendation: Any Robin Williams Film You Want
There are loads of them. From the excellent: The Fisher King, Good Will Hunting, World's Greatest Dad. To the good: Awakenings, Good Morning, Vietnam.  To the unusual: The World According to Garp, Popeye, Hook, Jumanji. To the disturbing: Insomnia, One Hour Photo. To the overrated: Mrs. Doubtfire. And to the downright crap: Patch Adams, Toys.
He gave his all to all of them.
Music heard on the show...

Dimland Radio opening theme song: 'Ram' by The Yoleus
First ad break bumpers: 'Know Your Rights' by The Clash & 'Kerosene' by Big Black
Second ad break bumpers: 'King Of The Hill' by The Minutemen & 'The KKK Took My Baby Away' by Ramones
Closing song: 'Angler's Treble Hook' by $5 Fiddle

That's it! See you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on www.ztalkradio.com you can also download my show from the z talk show archives page. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com

You can also go to my CafePress store and buy stuff with my artwork on it and have me do a portrait for you if you like. Find out more here and here.


dimland radio 8-9-14 show notes

I'm All Over The Internet
I may not have done a show since July 26th, but I have still been on the internet. Not just my usual visits to Facebook, either. Since my last show there have been ten Never Founds posted, one guest appearance on a podcast, and a guest posting on another blog. I've been busy.
The Never Found in the 80s series is something I do for the Stuck in the 80s blog. I hadn't had one on there in a while, but then there were ten in the last two weeks.
Here's the list:
Flag of Convenience
Pete Shelley
The Chameleons
Lloyd Cole & the Commotions
The Stranglers
Breaking Circus
The Smiths
I was also a member of a round table discussion on the latest version of 'Godzilla' on the podcast Assault of the Two-Headed Space Mules. It was recorded weeks ago, when it was more timely, but the host, Douglas Arthur, had other pressing matters that kept him from editing and posting until just recently.
Finally, I wrote a piece for the Two Different Girls blog. I wrote about a road trip with a couple of friends. We headed east and spent some time in New York City. We discovered an excellent hiding spot for our goods.

Happy Birthday, James Randi
August 7th was the Amazing Randi's 86th birthday. He's still going strong and I hope he continues to do so, because I'd like to meet him at TAM. However, it might be a while before I'm able to afford a trip to The Amazing Meeting.

Brian Dunning Was Sentenced To Federal Prison
Host of the excellent weekly podcast Skeptoid, Brian Dunning, having pled guilty to wire fraud some months ago and was sentenced to 15 months in Federal prison this past week. (Here is his announcement.) There is a faction of the skeptic/atheist community that is acting gleefully at this news. Just because, in my opinion, they decided Mr. Dunning is a jerk.
I was asked for my thoughts on this on Facebook. This was my response...
"[H]e broke the law, he pled guilty, and he'll serve time. Has he gotten off easy? I don't know. I intend to continue listening and linking to Skeptoid, because, in my opinion, it is still an excellent source of skeptically examined phenomena. I do my best to separate the artist from the art. After all, I still listen to the SGU (Skeptic's Guide to the Universe). It's still an excellent podcast and everyone on it is very good, whether or not I agree with their conduct away from the show." 
I won't say which rogue I'm referring to, but I don't think it's not hard to guess for those who have been following the skeptic/atheist fracturing.

Could Bigfoot Be A Bear?
It seems very possible that, at least, some of the bigfoot sitings that have been claimed over the years could have been bears walking on their hide legs. Bears do that. And when they do they look strikingly and eerily similar to humans. Doubtful News recently posted a video of a bear walking bipedally. Kinda creepy. 
Pedantic Moment: How Much Groceries Could 20 Bucks Buy In 1998?
This is what bullshit looks like.
A lot of nonsense gets posted on Facebook, I'm sure you knew that. Well, here's another one. The above meme is implying that 20 dollars was enough to purchase that full cart of groceries in 1998, while, in 2013, that same 20 dollars bought only three or four items. Quite simply, this is bullshit. I was buying groceries in 1998 and no way would that small amount of money buy all those items.
There's a bottle of champagne or wine in that cart! That alone could be 20 bucks! Also, there are well over 20 items in that cart, which would mean the average cost of each of those items would be less than a dollar. 1898, maybe. 1998, no way!
I also believe the statement about us all needing to stop pretending people can live on minimum wage is a straw man. I could be wrong, but I don't think anyone is claiming that minimum wage is a livable wage.
Sir Paul Plays Target Field
Finally, I told of our evening of Saturday August 2nd. Amy, Hayden, and I went to see Sir Paul McCartney in concert. This was a birthday present for Hayden who turned 11 years-old the day before. (Astrologers put your charts away.)
The show was great. Paul was amazing. His voice may not have quite the range it used to have, but it was still good and his energy was terrific. He played for 2 and 3/4 hours! That 72 year-old really knows how to please (and work) his audience. Yes, it was a night of nostalgia, but what's wrong with that?
I also talked about my need to learn patience, our seating neighbors, my breaking out my loud whistle, and how 'Hey, Jude' brought a tear to my eye.
Worth every penny.
Here's the setlist.
Movie Recommendation: None
Sorry, I didn't have time to recommend a movie. You're on your own this week.
Music heard on the show...

Dimland Radio opening theme song: 'Ram' by The Yoleus
First ad break bumpers: 'Another Day' by Paul McCartney & 'Listen to What the Man Said' by Wings
Second ad break bumpers: 'Live And Let Die' by Wings & 'Hey Jude' by The Beatles
Closing song: 'Angler's Treble Hook' by $5 Fiddle

That's it! See you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on www.ztalkradio.com you can also download my show from the z talk show archives page. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com

You can also go to my CafePress store and buy stuff with my artwork on it and have me do a portrait for you if you like. Find out more here and here.