OK, Boom... Er... Um... Hm...
The above video clip is from the classic TV cop drama Dragnet. It's from the show's second run (1967-1970) on television and it shows the two lead characters Sgt. Joe Friday (Jack Webb) and Officer Bill Gannon (Harry Morgan) lecturing a group of teenage boys. They lay into the boys pretty well about true hardship, outrage, and changing society.
The video was shared on Facebook as a way of showing how kids today don't have a clue. And it struck me as ironic when connected with the whole "OK, Boomer" phenomenon. Think about it. Who is being lectured here? The teenagers are Boomers.
Every generation thinks the following generations just don't get it, I guess. And yet we muddle through somehow.
I took a few minutes mentioning how some things have improved since Joe's sermon. Traffic fatalities are way down. Especially when you compare the number of death as a percentage of the population and the number of miles driven per fatality. Way down!
They even touch on how vaccines have worked. Oh, they don't say it explicitly. They point out how the kids aren't familiar with have neighbors having to put their houses under quarantine due to infectious diseases that were far more common when Joe and Bill were kids. Polio is mentioned as a rarity. Mastoid scars are mentioned as being less common. (I had to look that up. Here's what I found.)
People Do The Dumbest Things
I don't know if Goop has endorsed this yet, but it's just stupid enough to be right up their alley. It's perineum sunning. There are people who will lay up in the sun and position their naked selves in such a way that the sun's ray will get to where it doesn't normally shine.
Don't ever underestimate the foolishness of humans. And don't risk sunburning your naughty bits. It's dumb.
Joey Skaggs
The whole sunning your butthole story got me hoping it was some hoax being played on the gullible news media. (It still might be, but I'm not certain.) I thought of Joey Skaggs, an artist who made it his mission to fool the news media and expose their shortcomings in vetting some outlandish claims.
Skaggs had news outlets believing he ran a brothel for dogs, developed a vitamin using cockroaches, and that he was a priest riding a bicycle with a confession booth on it so he could take people's confessions on the street. Each hoax would hook the media, they would report it, and then he would let them know they had been hoodwinked.
Skaggs is a hero!
Seven Books I Love (Or I'm Fond of)
Facebook had a book challenge in which participants were to share the cover of a book they love, without any further comment, and invited others to share their favorites. Here are my seven:
A Dimland Radio Pedantic Moment Bonus: Reading Or Listening
Three Cool Things
2) The documentary that revisits the tragic event in Cincinnati on December 3, 1979, in which 11 kids died trying to get into Riverfront Coliseum to see The Who aired and is available on YouTube. Pete Townshend, Roger Daltrey, and their longtime manager Bill Curbishly are all interviewed in depth for the first time since the accident.
3) The Who announced they will be returning to Cincinnati to perform in concert for the first time since that tragic night. The concert, a portion of the proceeds will benefit a scholarship fund that had been set up in honor of three Finneytown High School students who lost their lives in the crush that night, is set to take place April 23, 2020. Cool!
Music heard on the show...
Dimland Radio opening theme song: 'Ram' by The Yoleus
First ad break bumpers: 'Heaven's Falling' by Cheap Trick & 'Achin' To Be' by The Replacements
First ad break bumpers: 'Heaven's Falling' by Cheap Trick & 'Achin' To Be' by The Replacements
Second ad break bumpers: 'No Self Control' by Peter Gabriel & 'Date With A Vampyre' by The Screaming Tribesmen
Closing song: 'Angler's Treble Hook' by $5 Fiddle
That's it! See you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on www.ztalkradio.com you can also download my show from the z talk show archives page. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com
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