This week was part two of my interview of the totally awesome George Hrab.
But First A Little Tale About A Dead Volvo

A dead Volvo ain't no fun!
My wife's car finally decided it had had enough. It was a 1990 Volvo 740 GL and had well over 200,000 miles on it. We bought the car for $1200 a little over four years ago and, despite the age and mileage, we really didn't have to put much money into it. But, Thursday morning, as Amy (my wife) was returning home from dropping our son at school, the Volvo's transmission went kaput.Well, as the tow truck driver put it to me after I told him what I just told you, "That car doesn't owe you a thing." It's true, but now we're back to being a one car family for the foreseeable future.
And Now, George Hrab Part 2
This part of our interview centered almost exclusively on Geo's music. Geo talk's about how he gets his ideas and how he dealt with writer's block. I gushed over him a couple of times, but Geo handled it with ease. He's so great!
If you missed either part, you can download both from the Show Archives at ztalkradio.com.
If you haven't heard his podcast, you should! Be warned Geo will use some profane language on his podcast, but you're an adult, you can handle it. You can download, for free, the Geologic Podcast from iTunes or you can go here to listen to it and see his show notes and even make a comment if you like.
Please check out his latest album Trebuchet.
Movie Recommendation: George's pick - Young @ Heart (2007)

My wife has seen this and she has been trying to get me to see it. I want to watch it, but my timing has been off. It is currently in the pole position on our Netflix queue, so I will be seeing it soon.
Before I Signed Off
After my interview with George Hrab had ended, I had a few moments left to fill. So, I let everyone know that next week I'd be doing another all music show. This one will kick ass! As always, you'll need to tune in to be able to enjoy the music, because I am not allowed to archive the all music shows. Licensing rules do not allow archiving. So, be there!
I also mentioned to upcoming 10:23 event. Around the world, on February 5th, people will attempt to overdose on homeopathic sleeping pills. I'm sure the world will be rocked by the mass deaths and hospitalizations...Oh, wait! What am I saying? No one will suffer anything. Homeopathic medicine has NOTHING in it. Not to worry, everyone will be fine.
Music heard on the show...
Dimland Radio opening theme song: 'Ahead' by Wire
First ad break bumpers: 'Once In A Lifetime' by Talking Heads & 'Where Have You Been' by George Hrab
Second ad break bumpers: 'When I Was Your Age' by George Hrab & 'Scarecrow People' by XTC
Closing song: 'Angler's Treble Hook' by $5 Fiddle
That's it! see you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on www.ztalkradio.com you can also download my show from the z talk show archives page. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com
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