More books!
Yep, I talked about three more books that I had picked up. All three were written by James Randi. My skeptical library is really beginning to fill up.
The three titles are:
The Truth About Uri Geller
The Mask of Nostradamus
An Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural
Ten Minute Topic with Chris Brown
This time Chris and I talked about the importance of have a bigger tent when it comes to the skeptical movement. Sometimes skeptical events are more accurately described as atheist events. But one need not be an atheist to be a skeptic.
You can find Chris Brown's blog and podcast, Meet The Skeptics, here.
An Atheist In Church
Harm Modder, a former St. Paul police officer, he retired from the force in 2000, died 12-28-2010. Harm attempted to get a t-shirt printing business going way back in 1988 and he hired me as his staff artist. He was the brother-in-law of Greg, my best friend in high school, and that was how I got my foot in the door. It was my first art job after I graduated art school and I've always bee grateful to Harm for the job.
The job didn't last long, but the experience was good.
So, when Greg told of Harm's passing, I made sure I attended the service. It was held at the Cathedral of St. Paul, a most impressive building. It was the first time I'd been to a Catholic mass in many years and also the first time since I'd become an atheist. I talked about the interesting experience.
Music heard on the show...
Dimland Radio opening theme song: 'Ahead' by Wire
First ad break bumpers: 'De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da ' by The Police & 'Head Over Heals' by The Go-Gos
Second ad break bumpers: 'Message Of Love' by The Pretenders & 'One Step Ahead' by Split Enz
Closing song: 'Angler's Treble Hook' by $5 Fiddle
That's it! see you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on www.ztalkradio.com you can also download my show from the z talk show archives page. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com
The three titles are:
The Truth About Uri Geller
The Mask of Nostradamus
An Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural
Ten Minute Topic with Chris Brown
This time Chris and I talked about the importance of have a bigger tent when it comes to the skeptical movement. Sometimes skeptical events are more accurately described as atheist events. But one need not be an atheist to be a skeptic.
You can find Chris Brown's blog and podcast, Meet The Skeptics, here.
An Atheist In Church
Harm Modder, a former St. Paul police officer, he retired from the force in 2000, died 12-28-2010. Harm attempted to get a t-shirt printing business going way back in 1988 and he hired me as his staff artist. He was the brother-in-law of Greg, my best friend in high school, and that was how I got my foot in the door. It was my first art job after I graduated art school and I've always bee grateful to Harm for the job.
The job didn't last long, but the experience was good.
So, when Greg told of Harm's passing, I made sure I attended the service. It was held at the Cathedral of St. Paul, a most impressive building. It was the first time I'd been to a Catholic mass in many years and also the first time since I'd become an atheist. I talked about the interesting experience.
Music heard on the show...
Dimland Radio opening theme song: 'Ahead' by Wire
First ad break bumpers: 'De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da ' by The Police & 'Head Over Heals' by The Go-Gos
Second ad break bumpers: 'Message Of Love' by The Pretenders & 'One Step Ahead' by Split Enz
Closing song: 'Angler's Treble Hook' by $5 Fiddle
That's it! see you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on www.ztalkradio.com you can also download my show from the z talk show archives page. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com
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