
dimland radio 7-5-14 show notes

Because of the Fourth of July weekend, this was a live show, complete with fireworks sounding in the background.
I started the show telling about how I had left my keys in the mini-van. Running. Smart move, Sherlock! I was able to call my father, who lives nearby, and he was able to swing over to my house, get the spare key from my wife, and come to my rescue.


A Straw Man Found On Facebook
Seems a little biased, eh?
Facebook can get pretty annoying and very tribal. And my Facebook newsfeed is fed by a lot of political lefties and the meme you see above is an example of what I get loads of each day.
The meme is a straw man and a false dichotomy. It sets up a straw man definition of conservatives and liberals that makes it easy to argue against conservatives. And it's just plain false, because people are never that black or white. People are far more nuanced.

So, I related one of my favorite tales from my very conservative days, when I got a table full of liberals to shut up. Oh, I shamed them, but good!

Dov "I Have Boundary Issues" Charney
Way back in 2004, I was working at a garment printing shop (Cold Side Silkscreening) as their office administrator and one of their customer service people. I told of how it became important to get garments that were American made and that we started getting shirts from a company called American Apparel.
American Apparel was founded by a fellow named Dov Charney. Dov seems to be a character who has stepped out of 70s porn in his look and his attitude. He was the subject of a glowing article in the now defunct women's magazine, Jane.

The article, written by Claudine Ko, told us of American Apparel's forward thinking on how to treat its employees with much better than the industry pay and working conditions, including clean and comfortable working space, massages, optional health care packages, and so on.

She also told her readers how much Mr. Charney enjoyed masturbating. And about his doing it in front of her several times. She told of his partaking in some undisclosed sexual act with a female employee, also it front of her.

Ms Ko spent about a month with Charney gathering info for her article. And when the time came for her to leave, she really didn't want to go.
An argument I made at the time, other than American Apparel being open for sexual harassment lawsuits, was that I had to believe that had Ms Ko been writing about the CEO of Haliburton, with pretty much all the other details being identical, including employee treatment and pay, along with the masturbating, her reaction would not be so kind. I can imagine her needing to take a "Silkwood" shower after her meetings and she would have blasted the man and the company to the moon.

But, I guess, when the subject talks about supporting feminism and worker's rights he can get away with pretty much anything.

For a while that is. Dov Charney and American Apparel have been sued for sexual harassment several times. The company is deeply in debt. And, just recently, Dov Charney, after dodging bullets for so long, has been ousted from the company he founded.
Movie Recommendation: How To Train Your Dragon 2 (2014)
DreamWorks Animation
It's a rare occasion when a sequel equals, or perhaps, exceeds the original. How To Train Your Dragon 2 certainly equals the brilliant original. It is a visual treat and a lot of fun. albeit its tone is a little darker.
Music heard on the show...

Dimland Radio opening theme song: 'Ram' by The Yoleus
First ad break bumpers: 'Guess I Must Have Been In Love With Myself' by Pete Shelley & 'Girls On Film' by Duran Duran
Second ad break bumpers: 'Gardening At Night' by REM & 'God Damn Job' by The Replacements
Closing song: 'Angler's Treble Hook' by $5 Fiddle

That's it! See you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on www.ztalkradio.com you can also download my show from the z talk show archives page. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com

You can also go to my CafePress store and buy stuff with my artwork on it and have me do a portrait for you if you like. Find out more here and here.

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