
dimland radio 5-23-15 the backward show show notes

You can also go to my CafePress store and buy stuff with my artwork on it and have me do a portrait for you if you like. Find out more here and here.

That's it! See you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on www.ztalkradio.com you can also download my show from the z talk show archives page. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com

Music heard on the show...

Dimland Radio opening theme song: 'Ram' by The Yoleus
First ad break bumpers: 'Brilliant Blues' & 'Communication' by Pete Townshend
Second ad break bumpers: 'And I Moved' & 'Let My Love Open the Door' by Pete Townshend
Closing song: 'Angler's Treble Hook' by $5 Fiddle
Movie Recommendations: The Magic Christian (1969)
Commonwealth United Corporation
I recommended another 60s satire, but this one isn't nearly as sexually charged as last week's recommendation. However, there is Raquel Welch in that one scene. Anyway, the movie stars Peter Sellers and Ringo Starr. Sellers is an eccentric billionaire who adopts Starr and shows him that people have their price.
There are plenty of interesting cameos throughout, including John Cleese of Monty Python in a very funny scene at an art auction. It's very funny and off beat. Maybe a touch mean-spirited, but that gives it its edge.
It's on YouTube!
A Look At Sports And Facebook

Last week on my Facebook page, I made note of the fact that, though it's still early in the season, my MN Twins have a better record than the Hated Yankees. A Yankees fan thought I was displaying some sour grapes. I told him that he was right. I don't have to fight with FB friends, especially if they are right.

Misleading Meme
With the derailment of the train in Philadelphia, there was plenty of talk on the social media about the state of the infrastructure in America. I took exception to a graphic that is misleading. I put together a new graphic explaining how one shouldn't lie to get people to support your cause.

One train is a high speed passenger train, the other is a freight train. The idea is to get us to think America has crappy trains, but they aren't being honest in their comparison. Below is the graphic as adjusted by me...

I Sense A Touch Of Bias...

So, President Obama has gotten himself on Twitter and his first message was greeted by a few assholes. Most folks were excited about the President twittering, but a handful couldn't help by display their racist and homophobic nature. Welcome to the internet, Mr. President.
Well, the folks over at the New Civil Rights Movement brought out their broad brush and suggested the mean messages were from conservatives and the right. Possibly some of them were, but the suggestion is that all of them were. That's a tad bit biased, don't you think?
My Boy Is Just Like Me

I talked about how my son has taken after me in that he has now passed out three times. When I was much younger, I, too, would pass out on occasion. Usually when I was panicked, sometimes when I was ill.
So, my boy has passed out three times now. Each time I was there to catch him. That's something my dad didn't do for me.

Minnesota Atheist Talk Radio
I was part of a panel on MN Atheist Talk radio. The panel was made up of other podcasters from MN and we talked about why we podcast and how our shows covered atheism. It was very enjoyable and I was the only member of the panel who dented the no cursing rule, this was real radio after all. I dropped a "God damn", but it wasn't so bad.
Back On The Blog At SIT80s
I had a couple pieces on the Stuck in the 80s blog this past week. After a long absence, I might add.
First, was a Never Found about the band That Petrol Emotion. The other was in honor of Pete Townshend turning 70. Townshend is my favorite musical artist, so I figured he should be honored by a write up by me. Now, if he only knew I exist.



dimland radio 5-16-15 show notes

Penn & Teller: A Brief Follow-Up

I did mention this in the show notes last week, but not on the show. So, for those who just listen to the show, I let them know that the fellow who wasn't a "big fan" of P&T had seen them perform THREE times!
Is it just me or does that pretty much negate much of what he said?

It's Hard To Make A Joke On Facebook
My friend Scott Roberts got mentioned again on the show as I described my attempt to make a joke based on one of his Facebook comments. It was based on his use of the word "scandals" and my misunderstanding it by thinking he wrote "sandals." It didn't quite work.
Never mind.

A Tale Of Two PSAs

One Public Service Announcement (PSA) on television has a group of first or second graders being introduced to several tobacco products that are candy flavored and packaged with bright eye-catching colors. The kids never heard of these products and didn't know what they were, until the producers on the PSA, who were attempting to let us know that Big Tobacco is marketing to kids, introduced the kids to them. So, who's marketing to the kids?
Watch it here. What do you think?
Ants in their pants. I love it. 'Nuff said.

Oh, and the 10 minute challenge!

Our Long National Nightmare Is Nearly Over
American Idol will do just one more season and then it will be over! No more being forced to hear about it on the local Fox affiliate morning news. I look forward to the silence.

A Couple Of Other Things

I just had a couple of other things to mention. One was that my son and I would be attending the big Spring comic book convention that takes place in the Grandstand building on the MN State Fairgrounds.
The other was that I would be a guest on MN Atheist Talk on Sunday morning (how fitting). That's an actual radio show! On actual radio!

I will talk about both next week.
Movie Recommendations: Candy (1968)
ABC Pictures
This 60s sex romp parody is not for kids. It follows a young woman (Ewa Aulin) on an adventure in which no man can resist her innocent and naive charms. She's pursued by such actors as Walter Matthau, James Coburn, Richard Burton, Marlin Brando, Ringo Starr, John Huston, and the underrated John Astin.
It's bizarre. It may not be for everyone (especially children). It's on YouTube!. 
Music heard on the show...

Dimland Radio opening theme song: 'Ram' by The Yoleus
First ad break bumpers: 'Emotional Rescue' by The Rolling Stones & 'All That Jazz' by Echo & the Bunnymen
Second ad break bumpers: 'Quite Unsual' By Front 242 & 'Crummy Stuff' by The Ramones
Closing song: 'Angler's Treble Hook' by $5 Fiddle
That's it! See you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on www.ztalkradio.com you can also download my show from the z talk show archives page. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com

You can also go to my CafePress store and buy stuff with my artwork on it and have me do a portrait for you if you like. Find out more here and here


dimland radio 5-9-15 show notes

I Prayed For A Stranger...Sort Of

The other day, as I sat in my parked vehicle, scarfing down some super healthy fast food, a fellow approached and asked me to do something for him. At first I couldn't tell what he was saying, but he finally made it clear that he wanted me to pray for him.
Phew! I thought he was gonna ask me for money.
I asked why and he said he was just asking people to pray for him. Now, I'm an atheist. Do I take that moment to inform this clearly on some sort of substance fellow that he's barking up the wrong tree? Do I try to reach him and plant a seed of doubt in his religious beliefs?
Nope. I told him I'd pray for him and he thanked me and staggered away. I didn't, however, tell him who I would pray to...
"Dear, Flying Spaghetti Monster..."

Good For My Friend
Probably won't be added to any college history curriculum any time soon.
Good for my friend, but for rational thought and an accurate understanding of history? I'm not so sure. But, what do I know?
My friend, Scott Roberts, wrote a book examining the possibility of the existence of the Nephilim. The Nephilim were giant angels who came down from heaven to knock up human women, because human women are so damn hot. I mean... Damn!
Ok, perhaps the reasons were more complicated. Anyway, their offspring were giants and they were mentioned in the Bible and in parts of the Bible that were voted to be excluded from the official Bible. That's right. Humans at one point decided which of the words of God were to be kept in the Bible.
So, my friend's book isn't exactly looked on as science. I don't think there are many scientific historians and archeologists who accept the notion that there were giant angel/human hybrids wandering the earth.
I mention all this, because just recently actress Megan Fox posted images of herself on Instagram. She can be seen walking and carrying a certain book. Can you guess which book that might be? Here's a hint: It wasn't Carl Sagan's 'The Demon-Haunted World'.
Could she be reading it with a critical eye? Can we hope so?
But, Scott is my friend and this is pretty exciting. For him, if not for science and history. But, what do I know?

How Awesome Is My Dad?

It's Mother's Day weekend so of course I thought I'd relate a story about my dad.
We've had a leaky refrigerator for some months now. The water was leaking into the fridge from the freezer. I didn't know what to do so I asked Dad. He had the same thing happen to his refrigerator. He, however, is not so inept when it comes to doing repairs.
Without the internet. Without any "how to" guide books. Without any assistance, he came upon a solution that involved, in part, hot water and a turkey baster.
I couldn't just take his word, so I consulted Google and I found a tutorial video that explained how to unclog a frozen drain in your freezer. It is a solution that involves, in part, hot water and a turkey baster!
How awesome is my dad?!

Penn & Teller Part 1: The Show
On Friday, May 1st, I went to see Penn & Teller perform at Mystic Lake Hotel & Casino. I went with a friend and his son. It was my first time seeing them perform live and I thought the show was very entertaining and fun.
A few of the routines I had seen them perform before on television, but they were still impressive. And there were a few that I had heard about, but hadn't ever seen, so that was cool. One of the highlights was Teller escaping from a large garbage bag filled with helium. I don't know how they did it. So impressive!
The biggest highlight involved an eight year old audience member named Tiffany and a pair of scissors. Tiffany did something with those scissors that made Penn believe that that would be the last show he and Teller would ever do.
Tiffany did as she was instructed, making her a rare child. None the other kids they've had help in the routine did as they were instructed. That's what P&T count on.
As a joke, sorry to spoil it, Penn instructed Tiffany to run with the scissors. Kids in the past might take a step or two or none at all, but Tiffany followed instructions. She ran with the scissors. Oh, but she did even more! With Penn calling after her to stop (that instruction she didn't follow) she got to the edge of the stage, hesitated for a second, and then jumped off. She was heading back to her seats, when Penn, with the assistance of the stage crew and casino people, got her back on stage.
She was ok. Everyone was ok. Penn & Teller's career isn't over.
Penn tells the story in more detail on his podcast 'Penn's Sunday School' (cue to the last 14 minutes to hear the story). You can download the Tiffany episode (#166) here.

Penn & Teller Part 2: The Meet & Greet

Since the very early days of Penn & Teller, they have done meet and greets after every show. They meet their fans, take pictures, and sign autographs. They stay as long as it takes so everyone gets a chance.
I originally hoped to get a hug from Penn, which he probably would have given had I asked, but I didn't want to push it. Half a hug was almost as good. He signed the two books I had brought: one by them both, the other was Penn's novel 'Sock'.
When I told Penn that Teller, who we had gone to first, had signed Penn's book, Penn responded quietly just to me, "Asshole."
I'm pretty sure he was referring to Teller.
Photobombed by a Vikings fan. Teller took this picture, by the way.
Half a hug from one of my man crushes.
Penn & Teller Part 3: The Troll

So, when I got home I immediately posted the two pictures of me with P&T on my Facebook page. I wrote, "Ahem. Look who just bumped into a couple of his heroes..."
Most of those who commented on the photos were happy for me and pleasant and had kind things to say, until the troll entered. It is the internet and some people feel compelled to shit on things.
A Facebook friend (I friend anyone who sends a request) doesn't care for Penn & Teller's politics. He doesn't like Libertarians. He hates the Koch brothers. And everyone needs to know that through my thread. He started by stating, "I'm not a big fan of these Libertarian idiots."
As the troll had hoped, another of my FB friends responded and it was on. There was quite the back and forth going on before I even noticed. I had posted the images and gone to bed before the troll arrived. So, when I opened my FB the next morning the discussion was on.
I want to thank the friends of mine who engaged with him. I tried for a time, but realized it was futile.
Oh! I didn't mention this on the show because I ran short of time. During the comments flame war, the troll let it be known he had seen Penn & Teller perform THREE times!
It took him three times seeing them to decide he wasn't a big fan.
Movie Recommendations: None

Sorry, you're on your own this week
Music heard on the show...

Dimland Radio opening theme song: 'Ram' by The Yoleus
First ad break bumpers: 'Straight To Hell' by The Clash & 'If Hollywood Don't Need You' by Don Williams
Second ad break bumpers: 'Life's What You Make It' By Talk Talk & 'Heat Of The Moment' by Asia
Closing song: 'Angler's Treble Hook' by $5 Fiddle
That's it! See you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on www.ztalkradio.com you can also download my show from the z talk show archives page. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com

You can also go to my CafePress store and buy stuff with my artwork on it and have me do a portrait for you if you like. Find out more here and here


dimland radio 5-2-15 show notes

It's Back!

The new laptop has arrived and the show has resumed! Pretty excited, ain't ya?
I gave a brief run down on what happened to the old laptop and such and then I got the show started with...

Pedantic Moment: News Crawl Weirdness

I would have had one of these on the show I had planned on doing before the forced technology hiatus, but in the more than a month away I collected three more.

Have you ever paid close attention to the news crawl that rolls across the bottom of your TV screen while you watch the news? It's quite distracting. Especially when the news folks run a sentence across that just doesn't tell you anything. It just leaves you hanging, waiting for additional information, but it never comes.
I gave the following four examples, which I will link to the actual story which will give you more of the story. I discovered that the problem was whoever puts the items into the crawl would often just put in the first sentence of a story from some news organization, but wouldn't include anything else, so the line wouldn't make any sense.

These news folks need to pay closer attention.
Complaints About My Sears Trip

I know I've complained about this before, but, as I went to buy shoes, I faced the situation again and just needed to give it another go on the show.
If you shop at Sears, not online, I mean at the store; you will have run into the litany of questions they hit you with at checkout. An older fellow in front of me in line got sucked in and he even apologized to me for the time it was taking.
Another sales clerk came to help the next in line - me. The dance began. I gave my phone number, but then a couple quick and firm "No's" and she got the message and rung me up. I made my purchase and went on my way, leaving behind that older fellow and his having to fill out all those unnecessary forms.
Sears, I just want to make my purchase, why must we go through the dance?


Don't ask me why, but I set myself the task of watching all of the Rocky movies. All six of them. The first was very good. Two and three were good. Four was ok, but pretty silly. Five was awful! But the last one, 'Rocky Balboa', was surprisingly very good. I thought it was a good ending for the series, but I hear Stallone is planning on making another one.
Or was that another Rambo. No, I won't be watching all the installments of that series.

Quite A Scene

I still haven't seen the entire film, so maybe I shouldn't say much about it, but I did catch a very intriguing scene from the 1962 film noir 'Experiment In Terror'. The film stars Lee Remick and Glenn Ford. Remick plays a young bank teller who is accosted one night by a wheezing, threatening strange man, who wants her to steal $100,000 from her bank for him.
The scene has a very stationary camera, but does cut in for close-ups. We never quite see the man, but we can see the terror on Remick's face.
Very effective scene.
At first, I thought the scene ran long and that it has said what it meant to say, but as I thought more about it I realized the director Blake Edwards ('Breakfast At Tiffany's', 'The Pink Panther') wanted the viewer to become uncomfortable. The closeness of the unmoving camera, the wheezing stranger, the closeness of her to her assailant, and the amount of time that had gone by had me wanting to get out of that scene. Please! Let me go!

I haven't seen the rest of the film, but that scene was very effective.

Here's just a part of it.

Movie Recommendations: Cave Of Forgotten Dreams (2010) & Lite Itself (2014)

There hasn't been a movie recommendation in quite a while so this week I gave two. They are both documentaries. One examines the oldest known art, the other examines the life of someone who loves one of the newest forms of art.
In 'Cave Of Forgotten Dreams', director Werner Herzog was allowed to bring a minimal film crew into Chauvet Cave in southern France to show the to the audience the oldest cave paintings known to exist. It's a fascinating documentary that was originally released in 3D. (That would have been fun to see.) The artwork is beautiful and the film is a fine showcase for those paintings.
'Life Itself' is a documentary based on Roger Ebert's autobiography of the same name. The filmmaker, Steve James, was to follow Roger through his daily life dealing with loss of his lower jaw to cancer. James reveals Roger's life as a Pulitzer-winning film critic, his friendship/rivalry with Gene Siskel, his troubles with alcohol, his life with his wife and family, and, then, life happened and Roger got terribly sick.
It is an honest and loving portrayal of a man who, along with Gene Siskel, produced a show I wouldn't dare miss for the better part of three decades. 
Music heard on the show...

Dimland Radio opening theme song: 'Ram' by The Yoleus
First ad break bumpers: 'Back In Flesh' by Wall of Voodoo & 'Here In My House' by 54-40
Second ad break bumpers: 'Back On The Chain Gang' By The Pretenders & 'Here It Is Tomorrow' by Game Theory
Closing song: 'Angler's Treble Hook' by $5 Fiddle
That's it! See you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on www.ztalkradio.com you can also download my show from the z talk show archives page. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com

You can also go to my CafePress store and buy stuff with my artwork on it and have me do a portrait for you if you like. Find out more here and here.