
dimland radio 9-1-18 show notes

It's Just A Few Days Away From The 9/11 Truthers Taking Over Social Media 
The 9/11 Truthers post now and again about their anomaly hunting through the events of 9/11/01. But I anticipate plenty of posting of memes question the standard model (what really happened).
Stay strong. Stay out of the arguments. You'll be happier. 

Oh, My! All Those Dead Celebrities

I talked about the last week or so being pretty rough on celebrities. I listed six that had just died. Three from the world of entertainment. Three from the world of literature.

And John McCain

Senator John McCain also died. I talked a bit about my thoughts about the man. The reactions to the news of his death has been mostly good, but there are still some on Facebook who are so filled with hate that they just can't let the man go without spewing venom.
And Speaking Of Needling
Last week, I talked about some sorority sisters getting teased by the announcers of the baseball game they were attending. The announcers were applying the needle because many of the young women were taking selfies.
Well, the announcers themselves were asking fans at the game to text their selfie. It was a in-game promo for a phone service. There must have been some complaints because the Arizona Diamondbacks and Fox Sports apologized to the sorority and offered tickets.

Oh, and it took place in 2015. I'm right on top of things, eh?
World War II, The Bomb, And I May Be A Troll

I'm not a historian and I didn't let that stop me from talking about how America chose to end the War in the Pacific. Truman decided to drop atomic bombs on Japan.
Well, from the comfort of being 73 years on, there are plenty of folks who just think America is so evil. I'm telling you, they will just simply never forgive the US for starting that war.
Yes, I know. The US didn't start WWII, but try telling that to some people. I tried and was accused of being a troll.
Here are sources for what I talked about:
Three Cool Things

1) Two of the celebs who died recently were comic book creators Marie Severin (artist) and Gary Friedrich (writer), not only died recently, but they died on the same day. But, that's not all! They both shared a birthday! August 21st. Cool coincidence, eh?
2) There's a very cool homage paid to the Batman series of 1966 by Christopher Nolan in The Dark Knight. Click here to see it.

3) The across the aisle praise of Sen. McCain is very cool and gives me hope for the future.

Music heard on the show...

Dimland Radio opening theme song: 'Ram' by The Yoleus 
First ad break bumpers: 'Heat Of The Moment' by Asia & 'Once In A Lifetime' by Talking Heads
Second ad break bumpers: 'My City Was Gone' by Pretenders & 'Empty Glass' by Pete Townshend
Closing song: 'Angler's Treble Hook' by $5 Fiddle

That's it! See you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on www.ztalkradio.com you can also download my show from the z talk show archives page. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com

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