
dimland radio 6-29-13 show notes

Sick Son Update
He ain't sick anymore!  The pneumonia has cleared up.  We do have him on an asthma attack plan, however.  Hayden doesn't have full own asthma, but often times when he is recovering from a cold he exhibits asthma-like symptoms, so he now has some meds for just those occasions.
Dude Has To Be There Quick, But...
He still has time to fight.
I told of a traffic incident Amy and I had some years ago.  The other driver and his friend were in such a hurry they wanted me to run a red light.  I didn't.  So, they did something rude and didn't get that much farther on.  We taunted them a little and then they found time in their hurried schedule to invite me to fight.

I didn't.

Dimland Radio Science Hero:  Sarah Michelle Gellar
TV's Buffy the Vampire Slayer is on board with getting people vaccinated against pertussis (whooping cough).  And not just kids, but adults as well.  Adults need to get their busters as they can spread the illness to their kids.
Never Found In The Eighties: My Life in the Bush of Ghosts
This entry in my Never Found in the 80s series is a little different.  Instead of focusing on a musical artist, I focused on an album that should have been found in the 80s.  It is the 1981 album 'My Life in the Bush of Ghosts' by Brian Eno and David Bryne.

It's an excellent record featuring sampled voice as lead vocals in the songs.  Very cool.

See my write-up on this overlooked album here.
Croup Cough And Breast Implants
Don't freak out!  I'm not saying croup and breast implants are related in any way other than I learned something about both while I worked cleaning a medical clinic some years ago.
Dimland Radio Science Zero: The Manchester Museum
There's an ancient Egyptian statuette in the Manchester Museum in England that appears to be turning all on its own.  The museum representative in this clip gets a zero for preferring to mystery monger instead of explaining how low friction, vibration, an uneven base and offset center of gravity can combine to cause the ancient statuette to turn ever so slowly.  It's not the spirit of Osiris and some long dead Egyptian.
Here is the most likely explanation of how the object is moving.
A Little Gun Play
 This is the weapon I fired!
Completely out of the blue, an old friend called and asked if I'd go to the shooting range with him.  I said I would.  And soon after I was firing an R-15 rifle.  Who says I can't be spontaneous?
My best side.

Part Of The Social Contract...
Is not parking at the gas pump if you aren't getting gas!  My shootin' buddy did just that.  I tried to explain to him that is what not what people in a society that cares about others in that society ought to do, even if there are plenty of open pumps!

It reminded me of an TV ad campaign that showed people breaking this social contract.  The ad drove me crazy then and my friend is one of those people!

Movie Recommendation: Legend Of Hell House (1973)

Twentieth Century Fox

I have recommended this movie before, but with the recent passing of writer Richard Matheson, I thought I'd recommend one of my favorites of his work.  He wrote the screenplay based on his book.  This is a low-fi horror movie that relies on atmosphere and things unseen to build tension and suspense.  Please, check it out!

Music heard on the show (These songs are linked above)...

Dimland Radio opening theme song: 'Ram' by The Yoleus
First ad break bumpers: 'It All Depends' by Figures & 'The Jezebel Spirit' by Brian Eno/David Bryne
Second ad break bumpers: 'Melt The Guns' by XTC & 'Chartered Trips' by Husker Du
Closing song: 'Angler's Treble Hook' by $5 Fiddle

That's it! See you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on www.ztalkradio.com you can also download my show from the z talk show archives page. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com

You can also go to my CafePress store and buy stuff with my artwork on it and have me do a portrait for you if you like. Find out more here and here.


dimland radio 6-22-13 music show

Music Show

Another music show brought to you by Dimland Radio.  More of the best music you can hear on the internets.  The best music on Z Talk Radio anyway.  Well, I like it.  Ok, so maybe I'm biased.  Sue me.
Saturday was an extra special music show because I took part of Canadian X Radio's special music show.  I said it was extra special.  Glen Ferguson invited me to contribute an hour's worth of music to add to his hour of music.  We focused on 80s music.  Glen featured songs from the UK, Europe, and Canada.  I covered music from America and Australia.  So the song list will include my hour of that special music night.  I'm sorry, but I don't have Glen's song list.

I am not allowed to archive music shows, so you have to tune in to listen. The following is what you missed if you weren't there...

Playlist (first 16 songs from the Canadian X/Dimland Radio Music Special)  

Let's Go - The Feelies
Blue - Rain Parade
This Ain't No Picnic - Minutemen
Still In Hollywood - Concrete Blonde
Something To Believe In - Ramones
Whatever - Husker Du
Home Of The Brave - Naked Raygun
Sour Grapes - Descendents
I Will Dare - The Replacements
One Step Ahead - Split Enz
Date With A Vampyre - The Screaming Tribesmen
I Want You Back - Hoodoo Gurus
World Where You Live - Crowded House
Let's Get Married - Celibate Rifles
Columbus - The Church
Don't Change - INXS

Goodnight Tonight - Paul McCartney
What's New Pussycat? - Tom Jones
Girls On Film - Duran Duran
Vacation - The Go-Go's
Suddenly Last Summer - The Motels
Til I Hear It From You - Gin Blossoms
Gypsys, Tramps & Thieves - Cher
Lord, I Hope This Day Is Good - Don Williams
Go All The Way - The Raspberries
Shambala - Three Dog Night
The Lion Sleeps Tonight - The Tokens
Sherry - The Four Seasons
Blue Moon - The Marcels
Sundown - Gordon Lightfoot
My Sweet Lord - George Harrison
Second Hand News - Fleetwood Mac
I Feel Love - Donna Summer
Ray Of Light - Madonna
Jive Talkin' - The Bee Gees
Back Stabbers - The O'Jays
I Woke Up In Love This Morning - The Partridge Family
I Am Woman - Helen Reddy
Twilight Zone - Golden Earring
Games People Play - The Spinners
Papa Gene's Blues - The Monkees
Promises - Eric Clapton
Alone Again (Naturally) - Gilbert O'Sullivan
Surrender Your Heart To Me - Missing Persons
Long May You Run - Neil Young
Fade Into You - Mazzy Star

Other Music heard on the show...

Dimland Radio opening & closing theme song: 'Twist' by Tones On Tail
That's it! You should know that I am not able to archive the music shows I do due to the limitations of Z Talk Radio's music license. So, if you want to hear the music you have to tune in. Next month I will do another music show on www.ztalkradio.com otherwise be sure to tune in Saturday 11pm Central, midnight Eastern for another regular edition of Dimland Radio. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com


dimland radio 6-15-13 show notes

Not Fun Aspects Of My Week
This was an unusual show for me, but I'll get to that in a moment.  After a somewhat awkward start, I talked about my son having pneumonia and that I had to fire one the folks who works for the company for which I am the office manager.  Oh, joy.
I said this was an unusual show, didn't I?  I took the show on location, did it from a garage, and I had guests!
My guests were fellow ZTalkers Chris Davis and Jenny Gurney and her mother Bonnie.  It was different.  We covered a few topics and had a good time.

Chris and Jenny host two program on Z Talk Radio: Proximity Paranormal Weds. at 5pm Eastern and Paranormal Hotspot Weds. at 10pm Eastern.

Find Any Ghosts?
This was my first question of my guests.  They say yes.  Bonnie said that her house is haunted by her grandparents and her husband's grandparents.  And Chris is certain that late at night, while in bed, he sees people walking through the house.  He says he sees them two or three nights a week.
But You know me, I'm a skeptic.  And I am skeptical.
Pretentious Perfume TV Ads
Ok, I know. What perfume ads aren't pretentious.  I talked about one in particular that bothers me with its seriousness and, well, pretentiousness.  The ad features Heather Graham (its one redeeming factor) and was directed by Martin Scorsese!  You can see the full version of the ad here.
My guests and I then talked about perfume and Old Spice and Avon bottles.
How Many Knees Does An Elephant Have? 
I asked my guests that question.  Jenny got it right.  Elephants have the same number of knees that people do.  Two.  They are located on their back legs.  On their front legs (more like arms) elephants and other four-legged mammals have elbows.  Just like us.
I was made aware of this by watching the British comedy "game show" hosted by Stephen Fry called QI.  You can find full episodes on YouTube.  Here's one.  I don't know if it the one with the elephant's knees question, but it is collection of highlights of the show.  Enjoy.
Never Found In The Eighties: Killing Joke
My latest entry in my guest blogging on the Stuck in the 80s blogsite is about the British post-punk band Killing Joke.  Their song Eighties should have been a major anthem in the 80s, but mainstream radio didn't have time for cool song such as this one.  They had too much Phil Collins and Journey to play.

See my write-up on this overlooked band here.

Rick Dyer Is At It Again?
Yes, the bigfoot in a freezer guy is at it again.  He has another dead bigfoot body.  Well, not another one, because that one he claimed to have in 2008 turned out to be a costume.
This time around he has invited a select few, including two unidentified reporters, to see this find of the century.  His big find will rock the world of animal biology!

I'm not holding my breath.
Here is a video by the known hoaxer himself.  It's a message to the haters.  Rick, just show us the body already.

My Brother In Chat
My younger brother spent time in the chat room telling what he thought were embarrassing details about me.  The thing is, nothing he reveled was something I wouldn't tell people about on my own.
Nice try, Steve.

Movie Recommendation (Guest Edition): Profile Of A Killer (2012)

Bonnie recommended this serial killer thriller that was filmed in Minnesota.  It is about the H61 killer who turns out to be a teenager.  Chris says that about halfway through the film you may find yourself rooting for the killer.
This is a guest recommendation and I have not seen it, so Dimland Radio is not responsible if you don't like it.  It will be available on DVD Tuesday 6/18/13.

Music heard on the show (These songs are linked above)...

Dimland Radio opening theme song: 'Ram' by The Yoleus
First ad break bumpers: 'Fight For Love' by 54-40 & 'Eighties' by Killing Joke
Second ad break bumpers: 'Crash' by The Primitives & 'How Soon Is Now?' by The Smiths
Closing song: 'Angler's Treble Hook' by $5 Fiddle

That's it! See you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on www.ztalkradio.com you can also download my show from the z talk show archives page. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com

You can also go to my CafePress store and buy stuff with my artwork on it and have me do a portrait for you if you like. Find out more here and here.


dimland radio 6-8-13 show notes

No New Mic Yet
In my on-going attempt to improve my show, I had sent away for a new microphone.  It arrived.  It appears that it doesn't work.  So, another new one is on the way.  I'll keep you posted.
It's Not True: Dove's Viral Ad
You may have seen the internet ad produced by Dove, maker of soap, moisturizers, and chocolate (not sure on that last one)?  With nearly 55 million views on YouTube, it certainly has been seen by many.  Well, the ad tells women that they are more beautiful than they think.
To demonstrate that, Dove had a forensic artist do two sketches of women, one based on their self-description and a second based on the description of someone who had just met them.  The strangers' descriptions consistently are more flattering.

Well, according to science that's not true.  People tend to think of themselves as looking better than they actually are.
Read more about it here and watch the Dove viral ad here.

Quick Tear Open The Walls 
Yet again an example of something that didn't happen to me that I wish would have.  A fellow in Minnesota (Hey! I'm in Minnesota!) was renovating an old house when he tore out an old wall and found, mixed in with the newspapers used as insulation, an old comic book.  It was Action Comics number 1, the first appearance of Superman!
As I recorded this show the current high bid was $141,000!
Pedantic Moment:  Local News Pandering To The Locals 
I gave a couple examples of local TV news shows advertising themselves by saying how the local folks are so above average.  "People around here say what the mean and mean what they say."  "Minnesotans always do the right thing."
Sure they do.
You Know What I Miss? 
I miss glass Coca-Cola bottles and Old Spice bottles.  The Coke bottles have been plastic for a long time, but just recently I replaced my empty Old Spice aftershave and the new one was plastic!  What is the world coming to?
The Pope Said What Now? 
Pope Francis I seems to have said that atheists can go to heaven by doing good for others.  You mean the idea the one does not get to heaven by deeds alone is wrong?  So if you don't have to believe in a god, but are an otherwise good and moral person helpful to others you can get to heaven?  Is that what he was saying?

If so, why believe?

Movie Recommendation: My Neighbor Totoro (1988)
Studio Ghibli

My family has recently discovered the excellence that is Studio Ghibli, the Japanese animation studio that has churned out fantastic feature animated films.  So, far we have enjoyed each film we've seen by them.  My Neighbor Totoro is a terrific fantasy film following two young girls and their new friend Totoro, the large Cheshire Cat-like creature who is somehow creepy and inviting at the same time.  Well, worth your time.

Music heard on the show (These songs are linked above)...

Dimland Radio opening theme song: 'Ram' by The Yoleus
First ad break bumpers: 'I'm In Trouble' by The Replacements & 'Back O' The Moon' by 10,000 Maniacs
Second ad break bumpers: 'Spring Came' by The Suburbs & 'Man On The Corner' by Genesis
Closing song: 'Angler's Treble Hook' by $5 Fiddle

That's it! See you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on www.ztalkradio.com you can also download my show from the z talk show archives page. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com

You can also go to my CafePress store and buy stuff with my artwork on it and have me do a portrait for you if you like. Find out more here and here.


dimland radio 6-1-13 show notes

Open Mind?
Once again the skeptic (me) has to explain the whole open mind concept.  Having an open mind mean being willing to consider a claim, not necessarily to accept that claim.  I read Sharon Hill's (Doubtful News) blog about who is open minded, the skeptic or the believer.  If you've listened to my show for any amount of time, you'd know what I think.
Never Found In The 80s: Husker Du
This band is from St. Paul, MN, but I'm sure you've heard they are from Minneapolis.  That happens all the time.  People not from Minnesota think our only city is Minneapolis.  I makes me so... Sorry, I'm from St. Paul.  We get a little touchy about the whole Minneapolis thing.  Anyway, I wrote about Husker Du and included a concert video clip.  I was at that concert!  You can see my piece on this never found band at the Stuck in the 80s blog.

Why I Hate The NY Yankees (And You Should, Too)

Sure, there are plenty of reasons to hate the Yankees, but while watching Ken Burns: Baseball I finally pinpointed my main reasons: the 1960 World Series and Stephen Jay Gould.  If you weren't listening you can download the show from the Z Talk Radio archive and get the details.
Movie Recommendation: Ken Burns: Baseball

Well, as long as I was talking about it already I figured I should recommend this excellent documentary series.  It and its follow-up The Tenth Inning are streaming on Netflix.  I watched this series a few times now.  It demonstrates why baseball is the greatest game ever devised.  Ever.  Period.

Music heard on the show (These songs are linked above)...

Dimland Radio opening theme song: 'Ram' by The Yoleus
First ad break bumpers: 'The Girl Who Lives On Heaven Hill' & 'I Apologize' by Husker Du
Second ad break bumpers: 'The Killing Jar' by Siouxsie & the Banshees & 'Sweet Water Pools' by The Screaming Blue Messiahs
Closing song: 'Angler's Treble Hook' by $5 Fiddle

That's it! See you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on www.ztalkradio.com you can also download my show from the z talk show archives page. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com

You can also go to my CafePress store and buy stuff with my artwork on it and have me do a portrait for you if you like. Find out more here and here.