
dimland radio 4-18-15 no show show notes

The Show Is On Hiatus

The show is still on hiatus; however, the new laptop has arrived and I was hopeful that I would be able to return to  Z Talk on Saturday, April 24th. However, the new laptop has new software and I'll need to get a handle on everything before I return. I'll shoot for May 2nd.

I can still cover a topic I would have talked about on the show, does it? So, here are this week's no show show notes...

Dimland Radio Science Zero: Dr. Oz

This week, pseudoscience promoter, Dr. Oz, has answered his many critics stating his not backed up by science health recommendations are more a case of free speech than dubious medical advice. He complains that his many, many critics are trying to silence him.
Here is Ben Radford's take on Dr. Oz's answers to his many, many, many critics.

I shared Ben's article and Ben left a comment in which he spoke as reality challenged doctor. He said:

"As I have said in my many interviews on NBC News, CNN, Time, ABC News, BBC, in the New York Times and dozens of other newspapers, on my web site and blog, on NPR, on my high-rated TV show, and in thousands of other news media, I am being silenced."

Ben does irony well.

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