I was cool once
It's true! There was a time when I was hip to the cool music and the supercool Minneapolis night club, First Avenue. (If you saw the Prince movie 'Purple Rain', you've seen the night club.) I talked a little about hanging out there, slam dancing, and the hardcore punk band, Husker Du.
I found a video on YouTube of Husker Du in concert at First Avenue taken on January 30, 1985. And I was there! You can't see me in the video, but I was there. I wrote about this show right here on this blog. Check it out here.
I was also at First Avenue when Elastica filmed the live portions to the video for their song 'Stutter'. No, you can't see me in that one either, but I was there. Really, I was.
Around the table with a funny baby
I asked people to check a cute and humorous video of my then less than a year old son playing around the table in our living room.
Please check it out here.
It's Not True
So you don't drink eight glasses of water each day, do you think you're dehydrated? Odds are that you aren't. You see, the idea of drinking that much water a day at minimum is a myth. Most people get plenty of water not only from what they drink, but also from what they eat.
You can find more info here, here, and here. So if you're thirsty, have something to drink and try not to worry about it.
Will beg for money
I then speculated on whether panhandlers work in shifts. I've see what looks like shift changes taking place and I've always been curious about it. Maybe all ask one of the fellows about it someday.
Science makes a change
Yes, it's true. That dogmatic, stick to its old ideas forever, never changing practice of science changed. I'm being sarcastic. Science is an ever changing process. As knowledge and evidence is accumulated, scientists find that they have made mistakes and have been wrong about some of their ideas and theories. However, because science isn't set in stone, it is capable of changing its mind. Can we say the same about religion?
Case in point, paleontologists have recently found that the triceratops and the torosaurus are not separate species of dinosaurs, but they are, in fact, one species. The triceratops is the younger version of the torosaurus. Now all those museum nameplates will have to be changed.
Read more about it here.
Natural benefits of tart cherry juice
I had been hearing ads for a tart cherry juice concentrate that, when added to most any beverage, has all kinds of health benefits. I was always quite skeptical of the claims. But there's a recent study that suggests that cherry juice can help you fall asleep faster. Although the study was very small, only 15 people participated, it shows that I may be wrong in my skepticism. We shall see.
You can read more about it here.
Movie recommendation

Music heard on the show...
Dimland Radio opening theme song: 'Ahead' by Wire
First ad break bumpers: 'I Apologize' by Husker Du & 'Creatures Of Love' by Talking Heads
Second ad break bumpers: 'Falling (Theme to Twin Peaks)' by Angelo Badalamenti & 'Invaders Of The Heart' by Cheap Trick
Closing song: 'Angler's Treble Hook' by $5 Fiddle
That's it! See you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on www.ztalkradio.com You can also download my show from the Z Talk Show Archives page. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com
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