I thought this was going to be my last show, that the Rapture would put an end to the world and my internet radio career, but the Rapture didn't happen. The show goes on...
New Opening Theme Song: Ram by The Yoleus
Not wanting to have issues from using a song I didn't have permission or licensing to use, I asked a friend if I could use a song by his band for my show theme. He said it was ok with him, so this show was the first show using his band's song, 'Ram.'
Learn more about The Yoleus here.
I followed up on last week's talk about the big money sale of an issue of The Incredible Hulk #181 by letting my listeners know I won't be retiring anytime soon on the sale of the three copies I own. The combined potential value of my three copies is $575 to $625, it bit short of the $150,000 that that one copy sold for. Oh, well.
MN Twins Great Harmon Killebrew Dies
I turned to the world of baseball's loss of the great Harmon Killebrew. He was a great slugger and a terrific guy. A fan favorite not only for his ability to hit home runs, but also for his soft-spoken graciousness, his love of the game, and his generous treatment of the fans. He will be missed.
You can read Killebrew's obituary here.
Is the hitter shown in the official MLB logo Harmon Killebrew? Maybe.
I looked into the rumor of Harmon being the model for the MLB logo. Harmon says it is, the designer of the logo says it's not. However, the designer, Jerry Dior, can't remember which players' photographs he used in designing the logo.
So, is it Harmon? Maybe, maybe not.
Read more here and here.
It's The End Of World As We... No, It's Not
How could I not talk about The Rapture? Crazy person, Harold Camping, said The Rapture was supposed to begin on May 21. That all who have died would be piled up all over and all those who were saved would be taken up to Heaven.
Well, it didn't happen. Surprise, surprise.
I also talked about a dumbass who spent $140,000 to post signs to warn of our impending doom. What a maroon!
Meet The Skeptics!
My friend and fellow skeptic, Chris Brown, finally interviews a skeptic I can really relate to... ME!
Check it out here.
Movie Recommendation: The Natural (1984)
Music heard on the show...
I looked into the rumor of Harmon being the model for the MLB logo. Harmon says it is, the designer of the logo says it's not. However, the designer, Jerry Dior, can't remember which players' photographs he used in designing the logo.
So, is it Harmon? Maybe, maybe not.
Read more here and here.
It's The End Of World As We... No, It's Not
How could I not talk about The Rapture? Crazy person, Harold Camping, said The Rapture was supposed to begin on May 21. That all who have died would be piled up all over and all those who were saved would be taken up to Heaven.
Well, it didn't happen. Surprise, surprise.
I also talked about a dumbass who spent $140,000 to post signs to warn of our impending doom. What a maroon!
Meet The Skeptics!
My friend and fellow skeptic, Chris Brown, finally interviews a skeptic I can really relate to... ME!
Check it out here.
Movie Recommendation: The Natural (1984)
The Natural is my favorite baseball movie. It's a fairytale of baseball, the kind of idealized version of the game fans dream of. It suffers slightly from having the then in his late 40s Robert Redford play his character at age 18 or so. It's very hard to buy Redford being that young. Still the movie is very enjoyable.
Dimland Radio opening theme song: 'Ram' by The Yoleus
First ad break bumpers: 'Disenchanted' by The Church & 'This World Over' by XTC
Second ad break bumpers: 'North Country Girl' by Pete Townshend & 'Insect Mother' by Robyn Hitchcock & the Egyptians
Closing song: 'Angler's Treble Hook' by $5 Fiddle
First ad break bumpers: 'Disenchanted' by The Church & 'This World Over' by XTC
Second ad break bumpers: 'North Country Girl' by Pete Townshend & 'Insect Mother' by Robyn Hitchcock & the Egyptians
Closing song: 'Angler's Treble Hook' by $5 Fiddle
That's it! See you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on www.ztalkradio.com you can also download my show from the z talk show archives page. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com
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