Show 100...Not
Well, show 100 tried valiantly to get off the ground, but Z Talk Radio's server, Centova, was doing some maintenance and upgrades. They went and scheduled the work to take place during my time slot. (Conspiracy? No, not likely.) In doing so, they kept kicking me off the air, which resulted in my listeners only catching brief glimpses of the show.
I stopped attempting to broadcast the show, but soldiered on recording the show on my laptop. After editing out the screaming and pounding on the table, I have show 100 at a tad under two hours and I will run it next Saturday night.
So be sure to tune in at 11pm Central, midnight Eastern on the Z Talk Radio Network at www.ztalkradio.com. for Dimland Radio's 100th show!
It's Saturday night...what else is there to do?
Update (3-2-12): Due to another pressing obligation, I will not be airing show 100 on Saturday, March third. Fellow ZTalker. Kale Kelly, will sit in and play music. Show 100 will have to wait until Saturday, March 10th. Sorry, but it can't be helped.
I stopped attempting to broadcast the show, but soldiered on recording the show on my laptop. After editing out the screaming and pounding on the table, I have show 100 at a tad under two hours and I will run it next Saturday night.
So be sure to tune in at 11pm Central, midnight Eastern on the Z Talk Radio Network at www.ztalkradio.com. for Dimland Radio's 100th show!
It's Saturday night...what else is there to do?
Update (3-2-12): Due to another pressing obligation, I will not be airing show 100 on Saturday, March third. Fellow ZTalker. Kale Kelly, will sit in and play music. Show 100 will have to wait until Saturday, March 10th. Sorry, but it can't be helped.
Music heard on the show...
Dimland Radio opening theme song: 'Ram' by The Yoleus
There was pretty much only the opening. I did keep the attempt going through the first ad break, but I'm at work as I write this and I don't remember what songs I had set up. Tune in next week to find out.
There was pretty much only the opening. I did keep the attempt going through the first ad break, but I'm at work as I write this and I don't remember what songs I had set up. Tune in next week to find out.
That's it! See you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on www.ztalkradio.com you can also download my show from the z talk show archives page. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com
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