Why No New Shows For Two Weeks
To cut to the chase, the reason I hadn't done a show over the last two weeks is my mother-in-law had taken very ill and died. We learned that she had pancreatic cancer, which is a very aggressive and deadly cancer. And it did its damage very quickly, from the first notice by the doctors to the time when she passed, it had been just 12 days.
Much of the show was spent describing the terrible vigil we were forced to make. Amy, my wife, showed the family just how strong and amazing she is as she stayed by her mother's side virtually every minute of that vigil. Amy was a rock.
I also told of an unfortunate exchange over the phone with other family members, whose worldview embraces the alternative medicine and New Age nonsense of which we skeptics take a dim view. Words got heated and something particularly mean had been said to Amy. It was during this segment that I suspended my no swearing policy on the show.
Apologies were made the next day and we were able to smooth things over at the service for Mom earlier on the day of this show.
I also told of an unfortunate exchange over the phone with other family members, whose worldview embraces the alternative medicine and New Age nonsense of which we skeptics take a dim view. Words got heated and something particularly mean had been said to Amy. It was during this segment that I suspended my no swearing policy on the show.
Apologies were made the next day and we were able to smooth things over at the service for Mom earlier on the day of this show.
Never Found In The 80s: The Jam
I took a break from talking about the end of Mom's journey to talk about a really excellent band from the UK that most Americans never found in the 80s. The Jam was very big in the UK in the late 70s and early 80s. They had a bunch of hits over there, but not here.
Click here to get my report on The Jam.
More About The Loss Of My Mother-In-Law
My talk about Mom had stopped at a rather upsetting point when I broke to talk about The Jam, but when I got back to it I talked about how the entire family wanted Mom to get better. We wanted more of her and we weren't ready to let her go. But life is like that, we don't get a choice. When the time comes the time comes.
But I wanted to express that though mean things had been said they came from the desire to keep Mom with us.
On my next show, I will talk more about this and about the very moving, if a little more religious than I anticipated, service we had for Mom. I will also address this alternative medicine thing and the power (or lack thereof) of prayer.
Movie Recommendation: None This Week
Music heard on the show...
Dimland Radio opening theme song: 'Ram' by The Yoleus
First ad break bumpers: 'Another Tricky Day' by The Who & 'Cracking' by Suzanne Vega
Second ad break bumpers: 'Keep Looking' by Sade & 'That's Entertainment' by The Jam
Closing song: 'Angler's Treble Hook' by $5 Fiddle
Second ad break bumpers: 'Keep Looking' by Sade & 'That's Entertainment' by The Jam
Closing song: 'Angler's Treble Hook' by $5 Fiddle
That's it! See you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on www.ztalkradio.com you can also download my show from the z talk show archives page. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com
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