
dimland radio 2-28-15 show notes

SNL Turned 40

I turned 50 and Saturday Night Live turned 40. Coincidence?!

I guess not.

Anyway, I talked about some of the highlights and having my 11 year-old son taking in a few skits and jokes that may not have been suitable for someone his age. In fact, the first skit 'Celebrity Jeopardy' was filled with moments my son shouldn't have been privy to. I'm such a bad parent.

I also mentioned the funniest moment was an ESPN skit of which my wife and I didn't catch a word. We were struck into a laughing jag by the look on Will Forte's face. You can watch that clip here.

I mentioned being pleasantly surprised by Molly Cyrus' redition of '50 Ways to Leave Your Lover'. Her voice was deeper than I expected and it didn't seem as though she lip-synced or was autotuned. She ought to release the song as a single. It might be a hit and be taken more seriously than her other music.

I also got into Victoria Jackson's nutballery. I never thought she was that funny, but recently she's gotten into posting her nutty, conservative ideas online. She has a problem with Pres. Obama and is convinced he is Muslim. She ought to be reminded that the US Constitution has no religious requirement in regards to who may be president. Perhaps she's just pulling an excellent Poe.  

It's Not True: JFK Is Not A Jelly Donut

Pres. Kennedy did not declare himself to be a jelly donut in a speech he gave in Berlin in 1963. When he said, "Ich bin ein Berliner," he had the grammar correct and none of the Germans there thought he had goofed up.

Here is an article detailing on how the idea that he called himself a pastry is not true.

The Oscars Were...Meh

I talked a bit about the Oscars and how Neil Patrick Harris was ok, but his jokes fell a bit flat Overall he did the best he could with the material he had. I expected more. He did a great job with the opening number, though.

I talked about Joan Rivers and others being left out of the In Memoriam segment. And I also mentioned my surprise at Lady Gaga being able to sing. Who knew? Her fans, I would guess.

More Bullshit On The Internet. No. Really?

Facebook friend, fellow ZTalker, and conspiracy theorist Kale Kelly posted a story through his Skeptical Edge Facebook page. The Skeptical Edge is an internet radio program Kale hosts with Joe Couto and is returning soon to Z Talk Radio.

The story he posted seems to be a variation of the stolen kidney urban legend. I called him on it and he got all up in my grill about how I poop the party, I don't do my research (by which he means I don't get my information from his favored sources), and that Snopes isn't all that.

I let him know that none of the major news site carried the story. And that the only ones that did seemed to me to be tabloids such as The Daily Mail (Fail). That seemed henky to me. Add those factors to the urban legend of organ stealing and I felt confident in called it bullshit.

Now, I will mention Snopes. Here's their take.
Movie Recommendation: The Train (1964)
United Artists

As recommended to me by friend of the show Kitty Mervine, I found this to be a pretty good WWII movie about a group of French Resistance fighters struggling to keep a train filled with masterworks of art from being brought from France to Germany.

It stars Burt Lancaster and Paul Scofield and was directed by John Frankenheimer. It is available on YouTube, but the video quality is a bit faded and the film has been sped up just a little, so the characters have an Alvin and the Chipmunks sound to them. Otherwise, it's worth a watch.
Music heard on the show...

Dimland Radio opening theme song: 'Ram' by The Yoleus
First ad break bumpers: 'Love Song' by The Cure & 'Sex Beat' by Urban Guerrillas
Second ad break bumpers: 'Destination Unknown' By Missing Persons & 'Above It Now' by Figures
Closing song: 'Angler's Treble Hook' by $5 Fiddle
That's it! See you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on www.ztalkradio.com you can also download my show from the z talk show archives page. You can email your questions and comments to drdim@dimland.com

You can also go to my CafePress store and buy stuff with my artwork on it and have me do a portrait for you if you like. Find out more here and here.

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