More Of What Is Great About October...
Next, I talked about the greatest aspect of October. BASEBALL! The postseason is here. Yes, that means baseball is nearly done for the year, but until it is done, it looks like we are in for an excellent postseason.
I'm rooting for the Chicago Cubs, of course. But any of the teams involved winning the World Series would be fine by me. As long as the Hated Yankees aren't involved, it's going to be a great time.
And Now For My Annual Rant
Speaking of baseball and the postseason, it seems I forget each year that when I watch the games on TV, come the seventh inning stretch, I'll be forced to hit mute or change the channel.
Speaking of baseball and the postseason, it seems I forget each year that when I watch the games on TV, come the seventh inning stretch, I'll be forced to hit mute or change the channel.
Why? Well, because, since 9/11, Fox and MLB has felt it necessary to force a new tradition into the seventh inning. You see, kids, the attacks of America on September 11, 2001 took place in New York city, the heart of the civilized world (if you ask New Yorkers). And the Hated Yankees had started having some cop come out and sing 'God Bless America'. So, because it's New York, everybody has to be subjected to it every postseason.
I will spare you the entire rant here, you can catch it on the show. I'll just say that there is already a fine tradition in baseball for the seventh inning stretch. That tradition doesn't get televised.
Full Circle On Victor Garbor
Victor Garber is an openly gay actor, you'd likely recognize him from the film 'Titanic' or the TV series 'Alias', who just married is partner, Rainer Andreesen. Andreesen looks uncannily like actor Bryan Cranston. I talked about how I had remarked to myself about how much Garber's husband looked like Cranston, and I had stopped myself and realized I had just said something about a man and his husband. And it didn't feel weird to me.
I remarked on how far we'd come in how we view gay folks. Especially since the mid 80s, my high school and art school days, when in October 1985 Dire Straits' 'Money For Nothing' was number one in the US. The songs did ruffle some feathers at the time with its multiple uses of the term "faggot", but not enough to keep it from topping the charts. It also doesn't keep the dinosaur rock stations from still playing either.
So, on the same day I learned of Garbor's marriage and his name, which I hadn't known until then, I got home from work and watched some Netflix before bed. I decided to watch an episode of 'Louie', a series I hadn't watched in several months. The show I watched that night had Louie CK getting involved with a model and ending up in jail, needing a lawyer.
Can you guess who played the lawyer? Yep. Victor Garber.
It had been a rite of passage to male adulthood for many a boy since 1953. But with the internet providing more than enough naked ladies doing much more than to strike pretty poses, the magazine just lost steam.
I blogged about the end of nude pictorials and my introduction to the magazine for the Nostalgia Zone. I also talked about a friend apparently dropping me from her Facebook friends due to my not writing something negative about Playboy.
That may not be exactly what happened. Her daughter later told me that her mom just closed up her FB account. But she did post a comment voicing her concern about her son's masturbating. Teenage boys masturbate? No shit!
As promised on the show, here is the website with virtually every Playboy centerfold ever. NSFW!
Movie Recommendations: None
I remarked on how far we'd come in how we view gay folks. Especially since the mid 80s, my high school and art school days, when in October 1985 Dire Straits' 'Money For Nothing' was number one in the US. The songs did ruffle some feathers at the time with its multiple uses of the term "faggot", but not enough to keep it from topping the charts. It also doesn't keep the dinosaur rock stations from still playing either.
So, on the same day I learned of Garbor's marriage and his name, which I hadn't known until then, I got home from work and watched some Netflix before bed. I decided to watch an episode of 'Louie', a series I hadn't watched in several months. The show I watched that night had Louie CK getting involved with a model and ending up in jail, needing a lawyer.
Can you guess who played the lawyer? Yep. Victor Garber.
No More Naked Ladies In Playboy
I blogged about the end of nude pictorials and my introduction to the magazine for the Nostalgia Zone. I also talked about a friend apparently dropping me from her Facebook friends due to my not writing something negative about Playboy.
That may not be exactly what happened. Her daughter later told me that her mom just closed up her FB account. But she did post a comment voicing her concern about her son's masturbating. Teenage boys masturbate? No shit!
As promised on the show, here is the website with virtually every Playboy centerfold ever. NSFW!
Movie Recommendations: None
Music heard on the show...
Dimland Radio opening theme song: 'Ram' by The Yoleus
First ad break bumpers: 'Black Coffee in Bed' Squeeze & 'White And Lazy' by The Replacements
First ad break bumpers: 'Black Coffee in Bed' Squeeze & 'White And Lazy' by The Replacements
Second ad break bumpers: 'White Train' The dB's & 'Black Haired Girl' By The Alley Cats
Closing song: 'Angler's Treble Hook' by $5 FiddleThat's it! See you next Saturday night for Dimland Radio 11 Central, midnight Eastern on you can also download my show from the z talk show archives page. You can email your questions and comments to
You can also go to my CafePress store and buy stuff with my artwork on it and have me do a portrait for you if you like. Find out more here and here.
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